Crêpes are just like omelettes, quiche and pizza in this realm – you can put almost anything inside a crêpe and call it dinner. You can use up leftovers that you have or prepare ingredients specifically for the crêpes, but either way, there is really no limit to the number of ingredient combinations you can make. This recipe calls for chicken, mushrooms and leeks all sautéed and then blended with a little cream. A little Fontina cheese finishes it off and dinner is done.

How you fold or roll the crêpes is entirely up to you. You can make a great big crêpe and fold the sides in to make a square package that you then flip over onto a plate. You could also roll the crêpe around the filling and serve one or two per person. Alternately, you could fold the crepe into quarters filling the open slots or pour some of the filling over the top. It really comes down to the size of your crêpes, but be creative.

There are a couple of points to remember when making savory crêpes.
- Remember that the ingredients that go into the crêpes need to be pre-cooked. They won’t have time to cook in the crêpe, so generally make the filling separately from the crêpes and put them together at the end.
- Don’t over-stuff. I know you want more of that delicious filling, but try to go easy on how much you put in there. Too much filling makes it too hard to stuff the crêpes. Wouldn’t it be nicer to have 3 modestly stuffed crêpes than 2 over-stuffed and bursting crêpes? 3 is a better number anyway!
- Warm crêpes fold and roll more easily than cold crêpes. So, re-heat your crêpes before filling them. You can do this one at a time in a skillet or zap them in the microwave for just a few seconds OR re-heat them in the oven at 325ºF for about 5 minutes wrapped in aluminum foil.
- Make sure the filling is HOT! Because crêpes cool quickly, it’s important that the filling be hot. The hot filling will warm the crêpe through sufficiently.
Let this recipe be a starter recipe for you. Go be creative and make some savory crêpes of your own.