Basic Macaroni and Cheese made from scratch is immeasurably better than anything you can buy in a store. Once you have the basic recipe down, you can add ingredients to the dish to customize it to the occasion or just to your own taste.
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Hi Bluejean. I make my cheese sauce similar to yours but you have a lot of extra cheese and flavoring. I am definitely going to make yours next time. Love your recipes.
I’d rather use Italian or Mexican cheese than Swiss.
This is delicious! Just what I wanted. 😋 All I had was cheddar, and I used a couple cans of coconut milk I had on hand, but it tastes great anyway. The herb/bread crumb mix on top adds the perfect finishing touch. I might try freezing some portions for later. Thanks!
This Mac & Cheese recipe was delicious. I will definately try it again but I am going to try it with some grilled chicken, bacon and jalapeno peppers in it. My husband requested that combination. It also stays creamy when you reheat it whick I really liked.
Loved the Mac & Cheese! Came out great. Next time I’ll use half as much topping. Seemed to be quite a bit more than needed. Not a slight, just personal preference.
Meredith – My baked Mac n Cheese always curdles while baking – any hints? I never had this problem when I could get government commodity cheese. My recipe calls for a white sauce. I love Mac n Cheese, especially with onions and will give your recipe a try. Thanks,
You could be baking the mac and cheese too long. If the sauce is subjected to too high heat for too long, it will separate or curdle. You want the mac and cheese to bubble a little but remove it from the oven before the sauce starts to boil and separate.
Absolutely delicious! I ran out of bread crumbs so I used panko. Thank you for this.
I’m going to make this but cut recipe in half. Mine always breaks too so I appreciated your comment on that & keep an eye on it & not bake so long, but I do like the top browned.